·Russian driverless bus plan to mass production before 2018

On March 4, 2017, a Russian car manufacturer developed a driverless bus, which is expected to be unveiled before the 2018 World Cup.
The automaker announced the prototype of its latest product, the driverless bus, which uses an unmanned system controlled by a computer and self-learning software. At the same time, the front of the bus is equipped with sensors and cameras, which can respond in time to emergency situations while driving.
The report said that the company plans to put into mass production before the opening of the 2018 Russia World Cup.

Bolting Jumbo

Bolting jumbo is an economical and applicable equipment developed for the full-section or stepped excavation method of small and medium-sized tunnels. This equipment is not suitable for bolt hole operations and also suitable for tunneling and advancement. Support holes, lock-foot holes and other operations, with its compact structure and comprehensive functions, are widely used in various drilling operations in roadways and tunnels in railways, highways, national defense culverts, mines, hydropower and other fields.

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